
Now is the time of year when it becomes real.

Midterms, papers, and presentations. Law school applications due at the end of the month which means personal statement writing, LSAT prepping, stressing about assignments, and lots and lots of tears. Each year I think to myself this is the most stressed I have ever been, I will never endure stress like this again. Yet without fail, every year becomes more stressful.

And each year, I beat myself up for being stressed – which ironically only makes it worse. But when I get my head out of the clouds (or nose out of the books) I realize this is normal. This is okay. Everybody gets stressed and overwhelmed, everyone has fears and anxieties about both the present and the future. Undergrad is a time full of uncertainty and questions, a time of change and challenge.

But knowing that my peers and friends are going through similar experiences and can relate, knowing that I have a source to turn to and vent or rant or cry is comforting. It isn’t always easy opening up about my fears and anxieties, but lifting it off of my shoulders and relying on my support network is absolutely worth it.

I’m not alone, and that gives me peace.

5 thoughts on “Peace

  1. Girl I totally understand your frustration! And you are right you are not alone and it is almost so refreshing to hear that but sometimes it is hard to remind ourselves of that sometimes. Keep your head up! I know you can do this 🙂


  2. Thank you for sharing your story. And I am glad you realize you are not alone in this stressful time many of us call our undergraduate years! “We are all in this together” – HSM 🙂


  3. Right on. No you are not alone, we all feel that way. This is my first year. Are you saying I’ll go through this every October for the next 4 years?


    • That isn’t to say that at all, it’s just something to be aware of. It’s a trend I’ve noticed for myself, and recognizing it and having coping strategies is incredibly helpful!


  4. Knowing that you aren’t the only one who constantly feels stressed and often ends up in tears is so relieving. Ranting to someone always helps me feel a little bit better – whether it be my mom, boyfriend, or even a fellow student I meet at the bus stop. Most people can relate to the pressure and stress we are all feeling around this time in our academic careers.


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